2025 Legislative Session - MMC Positions
Bill Number | Description | MMC Position |
HB25 - 1056 | Local Government Permitting Wireless Telecommunication Facilities | Oppose |
HB25 - 1096 | Automated Permits for Clean Energy Technology | Oppose |
HB25 - 1169 | Housing Developments on Faith and Educational Land | Oppose |
HB25 - 1272 | Construction Defects & Middle Market Housing | Support |
HB25-1261 | Consumer Construction Defect Action | Oppose |
Many issues remain on the priority list year after year. Among the top priorities for the Caucus for the last several years are:
- Water Conservation and Planning
- Housing, Homelessness & Hunger
- Statewide Transportation and Mobility Funding
- FasTracks Buildout
- Economic Development
- Public Safety
- Energy Efficiency
The Metro Mayors Caucus has initiated and adopted a number of intergovernmental agreements, memoranda of understanding, and best practices papers. These documents can be downloaded.
Growth Management - Mile High Compact (PDF)
Water - MMC Water Compact (PDF)
Water - Water Conservation Best Management Practices (PDF)
Energy - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)
Transportation - Colorado Transportation Principles (PDF)
Health and Wellness - Health and Wellness Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)
Water will continue to be an important issue in Colorado due to our semi-arid climate and growing population. Colorado's population projections predict that most of the state's growth will occur in the Front Range in the next 25 years. The Metro Mayors Caucus (MMC) began working on water issues in 2002 with a focus on tree preservation during the drought and public information on conservation. Representatives of the Metro Mayors Caucus were also active participants in the drafting of the Colorado 64 Principles (PDF), a collaborative statewide effort to outline basic principles to assist decision makers and water managers in crafting fair and mutually beneficial water projects, legislation and water related policy.
Water Conservation & Stewardship
In April of 2004, the Caucus began drafting a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Water Conservation and Stewardship (PDF). Signed by 28 jurisdictions and endorsed by 16 organizations, the MOU establishes a common understanding among the mayors of the importance of water to all aspects of life and commerce in Colorado and expresses the intent of the signing jurisdictions to enhance the stewardship of the water resource within their jurisdictions in a number of specific ways.
Best Management Practices for Water Conservation
After the signing of the MOU on January 22, 2005, the Caucus teamed with the Colorado WaterWise Council to draft Best Management Practices (BMPS) for Water Conservation (PDF). The BMPs were a direct outgrowth of the commitment within the MOU to "use our best efforts to continue to identify and adopt, or urge the water utilities that serve us to adopt, best management practices that achieve efficient water use through conservation, reuse, and/or new technologies." As stated in the MMC cover letter to the mayors (PDF), the BMPs are specifically intended to serve as a menu of options to water providers that want to enhance water conservation by reducing demand among their customers. In June of 2005, these Best Management Practices were adopted as an appendix to the Colorado Model Water Conservation Plan by the Colorado Water Conservation Board.
The interrelated issues of growth and transportation have been a focus of the Metro Mayors Caucus since forming in 1993.
In the late 1990s, Colorado's rapid growth was a subject of growing public concern. Attempts to dramatically limit growth failed both in the legislature and at the ballot box. What was not well understood at the time was that the region had for several years been immersed in developing, and in 1997 adopting, the Metro Vision 2020 plan.
Long-Range Growth & Development
Metro Vision is the Denver Regional Council of Governments' integrated, long-range growth and development framework intended to limit the extent of urban growth, preserve community character, protect environmental resources including open space, and guide infrastructure investments. Metro Vision integrates traditionally separate plans for growth, development, transportation, and water quality management into a single, comprehensive guide for regional planning. The plan recognizes that community differences make our region interesting and vital and preserves each community's right to make its own decisions within a larger framework of regional principles. The Caucus was concerned that a legislative or ballot mandated solution would undermine Metro Vision and understood that it was critical to demonstrate the serious commitment of local governments from across the region to implementing the plan.
Mile High Compact
This was the catalyst in 2000 for the drafting of the groundbreaking Mile High Compact. The Mile High Compact, drafted by members of the Metro Mayors Caucus in partnership with the leadership of DRCOG, is viewed as a model for regional cooperation by other regions nationwide. In August 2000, 31 cities and counties in the region, comprising more than 79% of the metro area's population, executed the agreement. To date, 46 cities and counties that are home to more than 90% of the region's population have joined the Compact. The binding agreement commits communities to:
- Adopt a comprehensive land-use plan that includes a common set of elements
- Use growth management tools such as zoning regulations, urban growth boundaries, and development codes
- Link their comprehensive plans to Metro Vision, which outlines regional growth management
- Work collaboratively to guide growth and ensure planning consistency
To learn more about the Metro Vision plan, visit the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) website.
Primary Focus
The interrelated issues of growth and transportation have been primary areas of focus for the Metro Mayors Caucus since its inception in 1993. In the wake of failed legislative attempts to address growth statewide, the Caucus felt it was critical to build commitment and momentum for the implementation of the region's Metro Vision 2020 growth and transportation plan. In 2000, Caucus members conceived of, and in partnership with DRCOG, drafted and executed the groundbreaking Mile High Compact. In August 2000, 31 cities and counties in the region comprising more than 79% of the metro area's population executed the agreement. To date, 39 cities and counties comprising more than 85% of the region's population has signed on to the Compact.
Metro Vision, developed by the Denver Regional Council of Governments, is the Denver region's plan for future growth and development and provides the core of the Mile High Compact. Metro Vision integrates traditionally separate plans for growth, development, transportation, and water quality management into a single, comprehensive guide for regional planning. The plan contains strategies for preserving our region's high quality of life while also positioning it to benefit from growth. Metro Vision recognizes that community differences make our region interesting and vital and the plan preserves each community's right to make its own decisions within a larger framework of regional principles.
To learn more about the plan, visit the DRCOG website.
Transportation is a Fundamental Issue for MMC
TABOR, which passed by a margin of 111,402 votes in 1992, mandates that voters approve any statewide tax increase. Since 1992, Colorado has grown from just over 3 million residents to more than 5.6 million and over that same 27 year time period, voters have not approved a single statewide tax increase to support transportation. Because our state and federal gas taxes are not indexed to inflation, a dollar today purchases just 40% as much as it did in 1991. While much attention is focused on Colorado's Department of Transportation funding shortfalls — the challenge is not CDOT’s alone. More than 75% of the paved miles in Colorado are maintained by cities and counties. Every trip begins on a local road, street or sidewalk and local governments also face tremendous unfunded mobility and maintenance needs.
With greater than 53% of the state's population living within the metro Denver area, an integrated multi-modal mobility system is essential to the economic health and quality of life in both the Denver metro area and the state. A fully integrated system provides mobility choices by tying together rail, bus transit, local roads, state highways, bike lanes, sidewalks and mobility solutions like those emerging from the sharing economy. Build-out of this network in the Denver region is a critical component of Metro Vision, the Denver region's long-range growth and development plan.
Significant and sustainable sources of new revenues are required to address the state and local multi-modal needs of current and future generations of Coloradans. Given the critical importance of mobility to economic and environmental sustainability, the Caucus has convened dialogues and supported many initiatives on transportation and mobility since 1993. Support has been provided for multiple rail lines, the $1.67B TREX Project, the 2004 ballot proposal to fund RTD's FasTracks plan, the $200M per year, fee based 2009 legislative financing package known as FASTER, legislative attempts to identify sustainable sources of new funding and, most recently, the 2018 statewide sales tax increase in Proposition 110 also known as "Let's Go, Colorado" which would have generated $767M for transportation in its first year.
With failure of Proposition 110's .62% statewide sales tax increase and the concurrent failure of the fiscally irresponsible Proposition 109 debt proposal, the Caucus encouraged Governor Polis and the legislature to reevaluate all options to fund both state and local mobility needs. In 2021, working with the legislative leadership and Governor Polis, the Caucus strove to find a compromise that would fund both the state and localities needs and balancing maintenance needs of the vast rural network with the intense mobility and congestion relief needs of our dense urbanized areas where more than 83% of Coloradans live and travel daily.
This compromise was struck in Senate Bill 21-260 (see above photo from signing ceremony). SB21-260 commits General Fund dollars, new user fees, and federal stimulus to fund congestion relief, maintenance, EV infrastructure, and mobility needs on state highways and local roads. While the proposed $4.2B investment will address just a portion of Colorado's unmet state and local need, SB21-260 will still provide an unprecedented level of investment in Colorado’s transportation network from a sustainable source of funds. This bill marked an incredibly important step in addressing the diverse transportation and mobility needs statewide that was embraced by mayors from across the political spectrum.
With nearly $950M for local jurisdictions, $461M for multi-modal and $233M non-attainment, SB21-260 will benefit local mobility needs and air quality mitigation efforts. Robust funding for electrification will position Colorado at the forefront of the market transition to electric vehicles and accelerate Ozone attainment. Finally, by empowering transportation planning organizations to identify projects and seek voter approval for funding, the state and our Denver region gained a critical tool to further close the gap on mobility investment. This effort to empower our region to better serve its citizens, without creating new, expensive and duplicative governmental organizations, is the culmination of nearly a decade of work and discussions by leadership and staff of the Metro Mayors Caucus.
- 1999 MMC Statement on TREX
- 2003 MMC statement on the FasTracks ballot initiative
- 2018 MMC Final Position No on 109
- 2018 MMC Final Position YES on 110
- 2021 MMC Letter of Support for SB21-260
Focus on Energy Efficiency
In 2006, the Metro Mayors Caucus (MMC) identified energy efficiency and renewable energy as top priorities. That year, mayors convened a committee and met with key representatives from the following:
- National Renewable Energy Laboratories
- Xcel Energy
- Johnson Controls
- Center for ReSource Conservation
- Public Utilities Commission
- Wirth Chair at the University of Colorado's Graduate School of Public Affairs
Drawing on what they learned through these meetings, the committee drafted a memorandum of understanding that was unanimously approved by Caucus members (See signing ceremony photo above). In the Memorandum of Understanding (PDF) the signing jurisdictions voluntarily committed to continuing and expanding their energy efficiency and conservation efforts in a number of specific areas. In the intervening years, several full Caucus meetings focused on energy efficiency have been held at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
Better Buildings
From 2011 to 2013 the Metro Mayors Caucus, in partnership with the Denver Regional Council of Governments and Boulder County participated in an Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant under the DOE's Better Buildings program. Boulder County, the City, and County of Denver and Garfield County were the lead agencies under the grant. MMC and the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) designed and conducted a series of 9 energy efficiency workshops and a summit focused on best practices. The summit allowed for local government officials to showcase lessons learned in the Better Building program and provided guidance for local governments seeking to establish similar programs.
MMC & DRCOG Workshops
December 8, 2010 - Promoting Energy Efficiency in Your Community: The Future of Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
- Final Agenda (PDF)
- Speaker presentations:
April 20, 2011 - Promoting Energy Efficiency in Your Community: Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck
July 14, 2011 - Promoting Energy Efficiency in Your Community: Communication and Social Mobilization
- Final Agenda and Speaker Biographies (PDF)
- Speaker: Bill LeBlanc, Presentation (PDF)
- President, Boulder Energy Group
- Interim Director Mass Market Services for e-source
- Case Studies Exercises (PDF)
September 7, 2011 - Promoting Energy Efficiency in Your Community: Energy Efficiency for Small Communities - Case Study - Rifle, Colorado - The Rifle Success StorySpeakers
- Rifle Mayor Keith Lambert
- Mike Braaten, Rifle Government Affairs Coordinator
- Michael Langhorn, President, Rifle Economic Development Corporation & Community Champion, Sustainable Main Streets Initiative
- Matt Sturgeon - Rifle Asst. City Manager & Planning Director
Agenda Packet (PDF)
Rifle Presentation (PDF)
NREL LEAD Buiding Presentation (PDF)
February 9, 2012 - Promoting Energy Efficiency in Your Community: Energy Efficiency and PACE for Business and Commercial BuildingsSpeakers
- Collin Tomb, Boulder County
- Jeremy Epstein, Boulder County
- Sharon Procopio, City of Denver
- Erich Harris, City of Lakewood
Agenda Packet (PDF)
Combined Presentations (PDF)
May 9, 2012 - Solar Gardens and Power Purchase AgreementsSpeakers
- Joy Hughes, Solar Gardens Institute
- Brian Waldes, Town of Breckenridge
- Jesse Silverstein, Brownfields Foundation
- Jaclyn Webb, XCEL
Handouts (PDF)
Presentations (PDF)
August 30, 2012 - Energy Efficiency Codes
- Dan Weed, Chief Building Official, Town of Castle Rock
- Doug Swartz, Senior Energy Services Engineer, Fort Collins Utilities
- Megan Cuzzolino, LEED AP, Residential Sustainability Specialist, City of Boulder
- J.C. Martell, LEED AP, Buildings Programs, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
Handouts (PDF)
Presentations (PDF)
November 13, 2012 - Solar Friendly CommunitiesSpeakers
- Neal Lurie, Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association
- Rebecca Cantwell, Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association
- Theresa Worsham, City of Golden
- Jessica Scott, City and County of Denver
- Gary Goodell, Boulder County
Handouts (PDF)
Agenda and Biograhpies (PDF)
Solar Friendly Communities Fact Sheet (PDF)
Presentations (PDF)
January 30, 2013 - Net Zero Buildings
- Otto VanGeet, National Renewable Energy Laboratories
- Gene Myers, New Town Builders
- Norbert Klebl, GEOS Neighborhoods?
- Other Speakers scheduled had to cancel due to illness — will be asked to present at a later time
- Katy Bigner, FortZED Project Lead, City of Fort Collins
- George Watt, George Watt Architects
Handouts (PDF)
April 17, 2013 - Colorado Energy Efficiency Summit
- Best Practices for Local Government in Energy Efficiency
- Keynote
- Governor Bill Ritter — Director, Center for the New Energy Economy, CSU (invited)
- Economic Benefits of Energy Efficiency
- Tom Clark, CEO, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation
- Dr. Howard Geller — Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
- Public/Private Partnership in Energy Efficiency
- Rob Osborne — Director, Government and Community Relations, XCEL
- Local Sustainability Offices and Strategies
- Dave Newport — Director, Environmental Center, CU Boulder
- Bruce Hendee — Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Fort Collins
- Adrienne Dorsey — Sustainability Coordinator, Adams County
- Karen Hancock — Environmental Programs Supervisor, City of Aurora
Metro Mayors Caucus Positions, Resolutions & Other Decisions
From time-to-time, the Caucus takes positions on issues of significance to the Denver region or to local governments in general. Such position statements and resolutions of the Caucus will be made available for download here. Positions on issues and other decisions by the Metro Mayors Caucus are reached using an open discussion and consensus process.
Using consensus as a process for developing and modifying proposals or positions adheres to our values of an egalitarian, inclusive, collaborative and participatory organization of peers. Consensus encourages full participation and expressions of dissent while striving for a position acceptable to the group.
While unanimity of agreement or consent remains a worthy goal and desirable outcome, efficacy will, from time to time, require something less in order for decisions to be made.
Metro Mayors Caucus Decision Making Process
Unanimity of Consent: Unanimity is the most powerful position from which to announce a decision, and as such, unanimous consent should remain the primary objective of the Caucus. To this end, dissenters are asked to provide suggested modifications that address their underlying concerns and that will allow them to either support the proposal or stand-aside.
- Super-majority: If unanimous consent is not possible, a super-majority provides the minimum threshold for passage. By requiring a super-majority, only proposals with an exceptionally high degree of agreement can move forward. The super-majority alternative satisfies the need for action on the part of the majority and diminishes the pressure to conform on the minority in those circumstances where no acceptable middle ground can be found.
- Exceptions: In no instance will the Caucus take a position that would have a demonstrable negative impact on a member community. For example, the Caucus would not take a position on the siting of a hazardous waste facility within a community over the objections of that community.
- Approval Timelines: Because the full Caucus is only convened six times per year, it is not always possible to have a presentation or face-to-face discussion before formulating a position. The Executive Committee acts as a preliminary sounding board in the periods between meetings. Any member can recommend an issue to the Caucus or solicit a position. Prior to a position being taken one or more of the following steps would be taken.
- An informational presentation & discussion at a Full Caucus meeting or
- A background memo and suggested position from the Executive Committee
- Regardless of the path taken, all proposals are distributed to members via email with the subject line “Consensus Question.” A seven-day timeline for response follows and mayors with proposed changes to the position must provide those changes for consideration of the body by day 3.
- A diagram outlining the decision-making process can be downloaded here: Consensus Process.
Resolutions & Position Statements from the Last Several Years
- MMC Support for Proposition 123 "Make Colorado Affordable" on the November 2022 Ballot - September 21, 2022
- MMC Support for SB22-180 Programs to Reduce Ozone Through Increased Transit - April 19, 2022
- MMC Support for HB22-1355 Concerning Creation of the Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling - April, 19, 2022
- MMC Sign-on Letter Re Concerns with HB 22-1326 Fentanyl Accountability and Prevention - April 6, 2022
- MMC Consensus of Support for HB 22-1159 Supporting Circular Economy Development Center - March 23, 2021
- MMC Zero Fare Support Letter to RTD - March 11, 2022
- 2022 MMC Policy Principles
- MMC Letter of Support for Transportation Bill SB21-260 - May 14, 2021
- MMC Sign-on Letter re Opposition to SB 21-062 Reducing Jail Populations April 7, 2021
- MMC Consensus of Support for Housing Bills March 25, 2021
- MMC Consensus on Reconsideration of Space Command Location - February 12, 2021
- MMC Consensus on Mobility Funding - February 5, 2021
- MMC 2021 Policy Principles
- MMC Transportation Statement December 21, 2020
- MMC Letter to Governor Polis re Need for Clear and Consistent Communication and Coordination of COVID to Protect Citizens and Businesses - November 23, 2020
- MMC Consensus Letter of Support to Congress re 15% Increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - October 20, 2020
- MMC Letter to Regional Transportation District re Concerns Surrounding Use of FISA for Purposes Other Than FasTracks Completion - September 21, 2020
- MMC Letter re Extension of CARES Act Expenditure Deadline - September 22, 2020
- MMC Letter to Rep. Cory Gardner re HEROES Act - July 20, 2020
- MMC Letter to Governor Polis re Regional Consistency in Masking Mandates - July 13, 2020
- MMC Letter to Legislative Leadership re Appointment to RTD Accountability Committee Composition - May 29, 2020
- MMC Letter to Governor Polis re Devolution of Authority to County Health Authorities for COVID Variances - May 21, 2020
- MMC Letter to Governor Polis re Restaurants and COVID - May 14, 2020
- MMC Letter to Governor Polis re Clarification on Masking, Back-office hospital personnel and AA and Narcotics Addiction - April 24, 2020
- MMC Letter to Congress re Support for Localities in Fourth COVID-19 Response Package - April 17, 2020
- MMC Letter to Governor Polis Re Covid April 14, 2020
- MMC Resolution of Support for 2019 Proposition DD Allowing for Legalized Sports Betting with Tax Proceeds to Pay for Colorado's Water Plan Implementation
- MMC Resolution of Support for Proposition CC Allowing For Greater State Investment in Transportation & Education
- MMC Statement of Concern Regarding HB 19-1289 Concerning Changes to Colorado's Consumer Protection Act
- MMC Supports HB19-1322 Regarding Allocation of Excess Unclaimed Property Fund Revenues to Support the State Housing Development Grant Fund
- MMC Supports HB19-1257 and HB 19-1258 Seeking Voter Approval for Retention of TABOR Refunds for Investment in Schools and Transportation
- MMC Supports HB19-1228 Colorado Affordable Housing Trust Fund
- Resolution of Support for Proposition #110/Let's Go, Colorado (PDF)
- Resolution of Opposition to Amendment 74 "Takings" (PDF)
- Resolution of Opposition to Proposition #109 on the 2018 Ballot (PDF)
- Resolution of Support for Fair Maps - Amendments Y & Z (PDF)
- Resolution Honoring Mayor Stephen D. Hogan (PDF)
- Support for the Denver bid for 2020 DNC (PDF)
- Support for "Army Futures Command" Location (PDF)
- MMC Consensus On Transportation and Mobility — April 2018 (PDF)
- MMC Consensus Statement on Growth (PDF)
- Support for "Raise the Bar" ballot reform measure (PDF)
- Support for Hospital Provider Fee as Enterprise Fund (PDF)
- Support for Marketplace Fairness Act - 2016 (PDF)
- Letter to Governor re: HB 15-1348 (PDF)
- Support for SB 15-212 Regional Detention Facilities (PDF)
- Colorado 64 — Water Principles (PDF)
- 2012 Legislative Priorities (PDF)
- Position on Ballot Issues 60, 61, and 101 (PDF)
- Position Statement on FasTracks (PDF)
- SCFD Resolution (PDF)
Intergovernmental Agreements
Intergovernmental Agreements - Memoranda of Understanding
The Metro Mayors Caucus' most effective method of communicating and implementing regional consensus on major issues is through execution of intergovernmental agreements and/or memoranda of agreement. These instruments are adopted not just by the mayor members of the Metro Mayors Caucus but also by the municipalities they represent. In this way, they go beyond the position statements and resolutions of the Caucus to reflect commitments by the municipalities to uphold certain principles and implement certain actions on a mutual, regional basis.
The Mile High Compact
Adopted in 2000, the Mile High Compact (PDF) is unique in the country. It transforms the voluntary growth management regimen contained in the Denver Regional Council of Governments' Metro Vision regional development plan into an agreement among all the signatory local governments to act to ensure implementation of the specific elements and tenets of the regional plan.
The Water Compact
The Water Compact (PDF) is a Memorandum of Understanding among the region's municipalities adopted in 2005 in response to the serious drought plaguing Colorado in the early years of that decade. The MOU recognizes that Colorado is a semi arid, high desert, and that as such our normal practices must emphasize conservation of this precious resource in wet years and dry.
Energy Conservation Memorandum of Understanding
In 2006 the Metro Mayors Caucus executed the Energy Conservation Memorandum of Understanding (PDF) with the understanding that energy efficiency and conservation are critical national and local priorities with implications for ongoing quality of life, economic health, and national security. The MOU reflects a commitment of Denver area municipalities to provide leadership in energy conservation including supporting energy improvements in municipal operations, providing comprehensive public education, engaging in public private collaborations, and offering focused programs and policies targeting energy efficiency.
Metro Denver Health & Wellness Memorandum of Understanding
In 2006, the Metro Mayors Caucus joined with the following to create the Metro Denver Health and Wellness Commission:
- Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation
- The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
- The Colorado Department of Health
The Commission was formed to increase public awareness of the importance of wellness to our region's quality of life and economic prosperity. For three years the Commission provided leadership in setting health and wellness as a top priority for the metro area and the State of Colorado. The Commission's goal of making Colorado the healthiest state in the country led to the identification of three main arenas for action: schools and early childhood, the workplace, and communities. The communities arena, and to a lesser extent, the workplace, were identified by the region's municipalities as areas where they could have the greatest impact, both as employers and as the designers and developers of active communities. Read the Memorandum of Understanding (PDF).
The Metro Mayors Caucus and Metro Denver Homeless Initiative FLEX Fund provides flexible, one-time assistance to help people experiencing homelessness secure permanent housing and, in some cases, remain in housing. With more than $126,000 in 2019 contributions from the Metro Mayors Caucus, The Denver Foundation, and the private sector, the Flex Fund can continue to provide critical assistance to homeless and housing insecure individuals and families across the seven-county metro area.

The Flex Fund was created in June 2018 at the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative with funding from the Metro Mayors Caucus. In 2019, The Denver Foundation challenged metro area mayors to recommit to the fund by matching or exceeding a new grant totaling $50,000. In response, more than 30 mayors pledged nearly $70,000 and the Fund has attracted an additional $10,000 in private sector contributions.
The Flex Fund covers move-in costs like security or utility deposits and pro-rated rent as well as landlord mitigation. Nonprofit providers of housing and services for those experiencing homelessness can apply to the fund to assist residents across the region. Last year, the fund helped households in Aurora, Boulder, Commerce City, Castle Rock, Denver, Lakewood, and Thornton among others.
“Having a safe place to call home is foundational – it is essential to the success of our families, schools, communities, and our regional economy. But in our high-cost housing market, many of our coworkers, neighbors, and family members are at risk of homelessness,” said Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker, who chairs the Metro Mayors Caucus committee on Housing, Hunger and Homelessness. “That’s why we created the Flex Fund at the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative. We’re grateful that these additional funds are available to address critical needs for more people.”
For more information, or to apply for FLEX Fund assistance, visit the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative.
Close to Home
Everyone needs a safe place to call home. The Metro Mayors Caucus is proud to be a partner in Close to Home Colorado, a campaign to raise public awareness about homelessness in Colorado and shed light on the true face of this growing social crisis.
Comprehensive community conversations and research led Close to Home to establish 3 clear goals:
- Mobilize metro Denver residents to address underlying causes of homelessness.
- Increase understanding so that metro Denver residents experiencing homelessness are viewed by others, and regard themselves, as valuable members of our communities.
- Make homelessness a priority issue in metro Denver.
Through the work of the Close to Home Campaign, and the efforts of many other committed individuals, groups, and organizations, we want very few individuals in metro Denver to experience homelessness, even fewer to be chronically homeless, and for all people to be able to live with dignity and hope.